Category Archives: Non-Compete Agreements

What to Know About Noncompete Agreements
A nationwide ban on noncompete agreements was supposed to happen in September, but a judge struck that down. This means that existing noncompete agreements will remain in place and employers are allowed to ask you to sign one as a condition of employment. Congress or a higher court could decide otherwise, but such a… Read More »

What to Know About Noncompete Agreements in Florida
Many companies use legal documents to protect themselves from the actions of employees. One such document is a noncompete agreement. Non-compete agreements serve as legal mechanisms to protect legitimate business interests, allowing businesses to secure their trade secrets and maintain strong relationships with specific customers. However, their enforceability must comply with both Florida law… Read More »

How Businesses Are Getting Around Non-Compete Agreements
In the past few years, lawmakers have taken action regarding non-compete agreements, calling them unfair. Indeed they can be, limiting workers’ options and pay. Non-compete agreements often force workers to move or even change fields in order to get a decent job. States such as California, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Oklahoma have banned… Read More »

Proposed Bill Would Ban Non-Competes for Florida Doctors
In the past, IT workers and highly paid CEOs and other executives were the only ones ordered to sign non-compete agreements. Nowadays, virtually any type of worker can be subject to such an agreement. Even traditionally low-paying jobs in fast food and retail are subject to them. Hair stylists, janitors, journalists, and those in… Read More »

Non-Compete Agreements To End For Millions Of Workers
Generally, people have the right to quit a job and work somewhere else. However, millions of people are limited due to non-compete agreements. A non-compete agreement is a clause in an employment contract that limits where an employee can work. It generally prevents employees from working for competitors in a specified geographic area for… Read More »

Effects Of Non-Compete Agreements
Non-compete agreements are a controversial subject. These contracts are between employer and employee and prohibit the employee from competing with their former employer upon separation. The non-compete may prohibit activities such as working for a competitor, starting a competing business, hiring former colleagues, or developing competing products or services. These documents often include geographic… Read More »

Overemployment And The Risk Of Disobeying Non-Compete Agreements
There’s a new trend going around and it’s called overemployment. Overemployment refers to juggling two or more full-time jobs in an effort to make loads of money. It’s a far cry from the other side of the spectrum — those who don’t want to work at all. Juggling multiple remote jobs is a great… Read More »

Staffing Agency Accused Of Illegal Non-Compete Agreements
Non-compete agreements are often used by employers to keep workers from seeking employment with competitors. Workers will tell you that these documents are unfair, limiting their employment and making it hard to earn money. Some workers even have to move in order to conform to the terms of their non-compete agreement. However, many states… Read More »

Job Search With A Non-Compete In Place
You may think you got the perfect job, until you find out that your company wants you to sign a non-compete agreement. A non-compete agreement is a legal document that prohibits someone from working for a competitor for a certain period of time after they stop working for a company. Many people are asked… Read More »

How A Noncompete Agreement In The Healthcare Industry Cost $3 Million
Many companies use noncompete agreements to limit competition and ensure that proprietary information is kept safe. But do these documents really need to exist? A major noncompete agreement lawsuit settlement was made public, shedding some light on these controversial contracts. What happens is that one or both parties fail to read the fine print,… Read More »